Hi, and welcome!

This website contains a wealth of information about who I am as an educator, musician, and mother.  I’m happy that you have come here to learn a little bit more about me!

Music has always been deeply personal to me. When I started learning the violin as a child, I immediately felt a connection to it; it was my voice. I could play music to express all my emotions and relate to people from all different walks of life. I have been fortunate enough to let my passion become my career as a violinist and music teacher, nurturing and fostering the relationship between self and the instrument. I believe music education is a vehicle for social change and gives hope for a better future.

I truly consider myself to be a lifelong learner and a child at heart. I constantly find myself asking the questions, “why?” and “what if” during situations and have always been curious about everything around me. I seek out new challenges daily and believe life is meant for adventure. 

So sit back, relax, and enjoy reading and listening to my website. I hope you’ll gain something out of this experience that you didn’t have before you started. 


“ Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.”

— Shinichi suzuki


My mission

 My mission as a music educator is to provide high quality instruction while still exposing students to the playful and creative side of music. By giving students sound technical foundation on their instrument, playing classical can be just as exciting as playing through a pop song or improvising on a jazz tune.

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The Sea and Marie

The Sea and Marie is a side project that has evolved over the many years of songwriting and  overdubbing tracks on the violin. Not only do I find songwriting to be creative, but I also find that I become fully immersed in what I am doing and regain energy and focus. It’s my escape. 

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